
As it is indicated in its Memorandum of Association membership is classified as Full, Associate and Honorary.


•  Full membership Ethiopian resident and Foreign Charities that are registered and are  currently or potential implementers and supporters of Sexual Reproductive Health programs
•  Associate membership Individuals such as academicians, medical experts and other professionals engaged in promoting Sexual Reproductive Health programs.
•  Honorary membership Conferred to individuals or organizations with a long standing contribution to sexual reproductive health promotion and whom the association desires to honor for their outstanding work.

Membership criteria

Owing to the benefit of networking, more and more CSOs are seeking for membership. Membership in CORHA is, and remains open to all Ethiopian Resident and Foreign Charities working on Sexual Reproductive Health issues. However, for membership CSOs should fulfill the following criteria:

Full membership is open to any CSO fulfilling the following pre conditions

  1. CSOs involved in the provision of reproductive health information and services
  2. Legally registered CSOs
  3. Accept and adhere to the Memorandum of Association of the association

Associate membership is open to those who fulfill the following conditions

  1. Individuals who have demonstrated skill and commitment in promoting sexual reproductive health and rights
  2. Health related professional associations who are partially engaged in sexual reproductive health activities.
  3. Legally Registered with appropriate government institution
  4. Accept and adhere to the Memorandum of Association of the association

Honorary membership is open to those who fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Honorary membership is confirmed to individuals or organizations with a longstanding contribution to sexual reproductive health promotion activities and whom the association desires to honor for their outstanding work
  2. Honorary members will be selected by the Board of Directors of the Association and approved by the General Assembly

Admission for membership

Following the receipt of the application, admission for membership will be carried out based on the following procedures:

  1. The secretariat shall examine the application and supporting documents to verify their accuracy
  2. Application shall be made by the Executive Director or Board of Director of the applying organization
  3. When and if necessary the secretariat may also pay visit to the Headquarter or project areas of applicant to check whether the information provided is correct
  4. Where the Secretariat finds shortfalls in the application or supporting documents, it shall notify the applicant in writing to correct or provide complete information
  5. Up on ensuring that all the required information and documents are complete, the Secretaries shall forward same to the Board of Directors.
  6. After reviewing the report of the secretariat, the Board of Directors may or may not admit for good reasons. However the decision of the Board of Directors shall be communicated in writing to the applying agency.

Membership fees

  1. Full members of the Association shall pay an annual membership fee of Birr 1500 for local NGOs and 3000 ETB for international NGOs to support the administrative expense of the Secretariat
  2. Associate and Honorary members are encouraged to make self-initiated contributions
  3. Membership fees shall be paid during the first quarter of each year
  4. Members accepted in the first half of the year shall pay the membership fee for the year they have joined. Those accepted in the second quarter will pay the following year.

Termination of membership

Termination of membership can occur on the following bases

  1. In the events of dissolution
  2. Upon voluntary resignation by a member
  3. Up on loss of legal status

In case of involuntary termination (expulsion) the following grievances hearing procedure should be observed:

  1. The expelled member shall submit a written compliant with in two months of having received an expulsion letter to the Board of Directors
  2. The Executive Committee shall hear the aggravated party and investigate the ground for expulsion and submit a written report to the General Assembly.
  3. As the case warrants, the General Assembly may confirm the decision of expulsion or warn the organization to undertake what it fail to do so and reverse the decisions
  4. A written notification shall be issued to the member on the decision of the General Assembly